Success of the treatment demands that it be instituted as soon as possible, often before the cause of stroke has been determined. B. Cerebral hemorrhage. Cerebral hemorrhage is a significant risk when treating a stroke victim with thrombolytic therapy intended to dissolve a suspected clot.Though anxiety is a possible cause of her symptoms, the seriousness of pulmonary embolism demands that it be considered first. There is no reason to suspect an anxiety disorder in this patient. Myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis are unlikely in a 27-year-old woman, as is congestive heart failure due to fluid overload. These clots can then break loose and travel to the lungs. Pregnancy and prolonged inactivity both increase the risk of clot formation in the deep veins of the legs. B. Pulmonary embolism due to deep vein thrombosis (DVT). In a hospitalized patient on prolonged bed rest, he most likely cause of sudden onset shortness of breath and chest pain is pulmonary embolism.C. A young woman. Raynaud’s disease is most common in young women and is frequently associated with rheumatologic disorders, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
#Doppler ultrasound pregnancy for nclex skin
Skin lesions at risk for infection should be examined and treated by a physician. Heating pads can cause injury, which can also increase the risk of infection. Walking barefoot is not advised, as foot protection is important to avoid trauma that may lead to serious infection. C. Avoid crossing the legs. Patients with peripheral vascular disease should avoid crossing the legs because this can impede blood flow.The tissue becomes hypoxic, causing cramping, weakness, and discomfort. This most often occurs during activity when demand increases in muscle tissue. It is characterized by cramping and weakness. Claudication describes the pain experienced by a patient with peripheral vascular disease when oxygen demand in the leg muscles exceeds the oxygen supply. It results when oxygen demand is greater than oxygen supply, C. Advancing age increases risk of atherosclerosis but is not a hereditary factor. Overweight and smoking are risk factors that are subject to life style change and can reduce risk significantly. Having a first degree relative with heart disease has been shown to significantly increase risk. A. Family history of heart disease. Family history of heart disease is an inherited risk factor that is not subject to life style change.Skin changes in PVD are secondary to decreased tissue perfusion rather than primary inflammation.

There is nothing to indicate psychiatric disturbance in the patient. Fluid overload is not characteristic of PVD.

Periorbital edema and hypertension are common signs at diagnosis. Glomerular inflammation occurs about 10-14 days after the infection, resulting in scant, dark urine and retention of body fluid. B. Prior infection with group A Streptococcus within the past 10-14 days. Acute glomerulonephritis is most commonly caused by the immune response to a prior upper respiratory infection with group A Streptococcus.There is periorbital edema, but generalized edema is seen in nephrotic syndrome, not acute glomerulonephritis. Brown (“tea-colored”) urine. Acute glomerulonephritis is characterized by high urine specific gravity related to oliguria as well as dark “tea colored” urine caused by large amounts of red blood cells. C. The tumor extended beyond the kidney but was completely resected. The staging of Wilm’s tumor is confirmed at surgery as follows: Stage I, the tumor is limited to the kidney and completely resected stage II, the tumor extends beyond the kidney but is completely resected stage III, residual nonhematogenous tumor is confined to the abdomen stage IV, hematogenous metastasis has occurred with spread beyond the abdomen and stage V, bilateral renal involvement is present at diagnosis.